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| REBECCA - Sistemas Electrónicos Empotrados Confiables para Control de Ciudades bajo Situaciones Atípicas |
Select this link to see PUBLICATIONS within this project |
Title: | REBECCA - Sistemas Electrónicos Empotrados Confiables para Control de Ciudades bajo Situaciones Atípicas |
Acronym: | |
Payer: | Miniesterio de Economia y Competitividad. Referencia: TEC2014-58036-C4-3-R |
Partners: | UPM, UCLM, ULPGC, UC |
Budget: | 87200€ |
Years, begin: | 2015 |
end: | 2017 |
Director: | Pablo Pedro Sánchez |
R&D Lines: |
Staff: |
Pablo Pedro Sánchez
Eugenio Villar
Description: | New computational paradigms, emerged as a result of recent advances of ICT, have opened up new application fields based on the possibilities offered by new devices, communication mechanisms and everyday smarter systems. In this context, the Spanish Program for Scientific and Technical Research and Innovation outlines Societal Challenges that, based on ICT capabilities, demand complex systems built upon heterogeneous and distributed computational platforms supporting monitoring, processing and decision making processes.
The Smart City paradigm, framed into the “Economy and Digital Society” topic, brings up important challenges in different areas related with the sustainable development of the city and the provision of services to citizens. Among these areas, urban security is particularly important specially when considered for large public spaces and/or under the celebration of major events. Despite the fact that under these circumstances specific and ad-hoc infrastructures are commonly deployed, recent advances enable enhanced functionalities, able to adapt systems to changing needs and to inter-operate naturally and collaboratively with each other and, of course, with the already existing infrastructure.
The REBECCA project is mainly devoted to meet the needs arisen by the “Economy and Digital Society” challenge. This project therefore provides alternative solutions to the problems underlying systems supporting multimedia-based (image) services for citizen security in the aforementioned scenarios. REBECCA proposes the design of a platform for sensing and distributed computing for visible and multi/hyper-spectral image processing. This platform will provide adaptive tools and mechanisms for detection, recognition, and tracking tasks. To this end, nodes with local processing capabilities are deployed, able to adapt (reconfigure) themselves to different circumstances. These nodes are network-connected and inter-operate with each other in a transparent manner in order to offer advanced services for the Smart City.
From the technological perspective, REBECCA is grounded in the DREAMS project results, a previous project undertaken by the same team. The DREAMS results are now extended to answer the specific requirements of the aforementioned applications, with the following specific objectives:
* Provide methods and tools to manage complexity and heterogeneity issues, facing key aspects such as dynamic management of heterogeneous resources, reconfiguration, validation, specification, and performance assessment.
* Provide HW/SW platforms with a hybrid and flexible infrastructure, offering capabilities ranging from basic processing on single nodes to algorithm parallelization in network nodes combined with clusters with additional computing capabilities.
* Create a multimedia environment for multi and hyper-spectral image processing as well as its implementation in previous platforms, enabling a smart monitoring of the environment and supporting the decision making process.
The partners of this proposal have proved experienced in the technologies addressed by REBECCA, showing the complementarity required to succeed in the project achievement.
To summarize, REBECCA will contribute to the development of methods and tools for the design of network-embedded systems, developing adaptable and resilient HW/SW platforms running intelligent multimedia algorithms towards the offering of advanced homeland security services for the Smart City.