Microelectronics Engineering Group

Microelectronics Engineering Group

Electronics Technology, Systems and Automation Engineering Department University of Cantabria
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Title:Assertion Checking of Cyclic Behavioral Descriptions
Type:National Conference
Where:XIX Conference on Design of Circuits and Integrated Systems DCIS'04 France
Authors: Iñigo Ugarte
Pablo Pedro Sánchez
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PDF File:see file
Abstract:In order to confront the verification of more and
more complex Systems, several Design-for-Verification
methodologies (DFV) have been proposed. One of them,
Assertion-based Verification (ABV) has recently emerged as
the functional verification methodology capable of keeping
pace with increasingly complex systems.
This paper presents an ABV technique that automatically
searches for counter-examples that violate user specified
assertions in behavioral descriptions of hardware systems. The
main contribution of this work is an assertion checking
algorithm that allows applying interval-based techniques to
cyclic descriptions while reducing path explosion problems.
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