Grupo de Ingeniería Microelectrónica

Grupo de Ingeniería Microelectrónica

Departamento de Tecnología Electrónica, Ingeniería de Sistemas y Automática Universidad de Cantabria
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   PUBLICACIONES en las que participa: "Daniel Calvo" ordenadas por línea de investigación
   Diseño y verificación de sistemas embebidos HW/SW
conferencia D. Calvo, J. Pérez, P. González, R. Diego, Á. Díaz, P. Sánchez
"Design, modeling and development of an efficient comunication infrastructure for networking applications"
XXVI Conference on Design of Circuits and Integrated Systems, DCIS'11. 2011-11
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informe D. Calvo, P. González, L. Diaz, Alvaro Diaz, Pablo Sanchez, D. Gutiérrez (TTI), F. Alcalá (VS)
"Smart video processing in MPSoC demonstrator"
Deliverable DA2.3b of Artemis SCALOPES Project. 2011-03
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conferencia D. Calvo, P. González, H. Posadas, P. Sánchez, E. Villar, Andrea Acquaviva, Enrico Macii, Claudio Parrella, Mateo Giaconia
"SCoPE: SystemC Cosimulation and Performance Estimation. Application to Power and Thermal-Aware Design"
University Booth, DATE 11, Grenoble. 2011-03
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conferencia D. Calvo, P. Botella, H. Posadas, P. Sánchez, E. Villar
"Automatic Generation of HdS System Model for System Simulation using IP-XACT"
Workshop W7: Hardware Dependent Software Solutions for SoC Design, DATE 2011. 2011-03
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revista D. Calvo, P. González, L. Diaz, H. Posadas, P. Sánchez, E. Villar, Andrea Acquaviva, Enrico Macii
"A Multi-Processing Systems-on-Chip Native Simulation Framework for Power and Thermal-Aware Design"
ASP Journal on Low-Power Electronics (JOLPE): Special Issue on Low Power Design and Verification Techniques . 2011-02
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informe D. Calvo, H. Posadas, E. Villar, Francisco Alcalá, David Gutierrez
"Guidelines for System-level design, integration and optimization"
Deliverable DT4.3.6 of the Artemis Scalopes Project. 2010-12
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informe D. Calvo, P. Botella, L. Diaz, Saeid Azmoodeh, Francisco Barat, E. Villar, Philippe Millet
"Final report on CPD System component and model implementation"
Deliverable DT2.3.2 of the Artemis Scalopes project. 2010-11
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informe D. Calvo, E. Villar, Phillipe Millet, Francisco Barat, Saeid Azmoodeh, et all
"CPD Design Flow & Modeling Framework (Final version)"
Deliverable DT2.4.2 of the Artemis Scalopes project. 2010-10
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informe D. Calvo, E. Villar, Phillipe Millet, Saeid Azmoodeh, Francisco Barat, et all
"CPD Design Flow & Modelling Framework"
Deliverable DT2.4.1 of the Artemis Scalopes project. 2010-06
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informe F. Broekaert, N. Ventroux, D. Calvo, Á. Díaz, E. Villar, F. Alcalá, D. Gutiérrez
"System-level performance simulation: User Manuals & Prototype tools"
Deliverable DT4.3.1a of the Artemis Scalopes project. 2010-05
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informe D. Calvo, E. Villar, A. Aquaviva, F. Bruschi
"Final Report on Architecture Modeling"
Deliverable DT4.2.2 of the Artemis Scalopes project. 2010-03
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informe E. Villar, D. Calvo, A. Aquaviva, F. Bruschi
"Preliminary Report on architecture modeling and tool prototyping"
Deliverable DT4.2.1 of the Artemis Scalopes project. 2010-02
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   Diseño de sistemas embebidos HW/SW
conferencia F. Herrera, H. Posadas, E. Villar, D. Calvo
"Enhanced IP-XACT Platform Descriptions for Automatic Generation from UML/MARTE of Fast Performance Models for DSE"
15th Euromicro Conference on Digital System Design, DSD'2012. 2012-09
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conferencia D. Calvo, E. Villar, A. Aquaviva, E. Macii
"An Approach For High-Level Thermal Modeling using Native Simulation"
EUROMICRO Conference on Digital Systems Design. 2010-09
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   Especificación de sistemas embebidos
conferencia F. Herrera, H. Posadas, E. Villar, D. Calvo
"Enhanced IP-XACT Platform Descriptions for Automatic Generation from UML/MARTE of Fast Performance Models for DSE"
15th Euromicro Conference on Digital System Design, DSD'2012. 2012-09
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