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PUBLICACIONES originadas dentro del proyecto: "FP7 288307 PHARAON..." ordenadas por fecha |
2015 |
H. Posadas, P. Peñil, A. Nicolás, E. Villar
"Automatic synthesis of communication and concurrency for exploring component-based system implementations considering UML channel semantics"
Journal of System Architecture, V.61, I.8, pp.341–360. 2015-09 |
2014 |
H. Posadas, A. Nicolás, P. Peñil, E. Villar, Florian Broekaert, Michel Bourdelles, Albert Cohen, Mihai T. Lazarescu, Luciano Lavagno, Andrei Terechko, Miguel Glassee, Manuel Prieto
"Improving the Design Flow for Parallel and Heterogeneous
Architectures running Real-Time applications: The PHARAON FP7 project"
Microprocessors and Microsystems,V.38, I.8, Part B, pp. 960–975. 2014-11 |
A. Nicolás, P. Peñil, H. Posadas, E. Villar
"Automatic Deployment Of Component-Based Embedded Systems From UML/MARTE Models Using MCAPI"
XXIX Conference on Design of Circuits and Integrated Systems, DCIS 2014. 2014-11 |
H. Posadas, P. Peñil, A. Nicolás, E. Villar
"Automatic synthesis of embedded SW for evaluating physical implementation alternatives from UML/MARTE models supporting memory space separation"
Microelectronics Journal, V.45, I.10, pp.1281–1291, doi: 10.1016/j.mejo.2013.11.003. 2014-10 |
A. Nicolás, P. Peñil, H. Posadas, E. Villar
"Automatic Synthesis over multiple APIs from UML/MARTE Models for easy Platform Mapping and Reuse"
Proceedings of the EuroMicro DSD Conference, IEEE, 2014. 2014-08 |
L. Lavagno (PoliTo), M. Lazarescu (PoliTo), H. Posadas, A. Nicolás, E. Villar
"Parallel and Heterogeneous Architectures for Real-Time Applications"
University Booth, DATE 14, Dresden. 2014-03 |
E. Villar, A. Nicolás, P. Peñil, H. Posadas
"Modeling and SW Synthesis for Heterogeneous Embedded Systems in UML/MARTE"
Tutorial SD1: "High-Level Specifications to Cope With Design Complexity" in ASP-DAC 2014, Singapore
. 2014-01 |
2013 |
A. Nicolás, H. Posadas, P. Peñil, E. Villar
"Automatic Concurrency generation through Communication Data Splitting based on UML-MARTE Models"
XXVIII Conference on Design of Circuits and Integrated Systems, San Sebastian, Noviembre, 2013
. 2013-11 |
R. Fernández, H. Posadas, E. Villar
"Early performance evaluation of Multi-OS embedded platforms using native simulation"
Euromicro Conference on Digital System Design, DSD 2013, IEEE, doi: 10.1109/DSD.2013.131. 2013-09 |
H. Posadas, E. Villar, et al.
"EU FP7-288307 PHARAON project: Parallel and heterogeneous architecture for real-time applications"
Euromicro Conference on Digital System Design, DSD 2013, IEEE, doi: 10.1109/DSD.2013.47. 2013-09 |
P. Peñil, H. Posadas, A. Nicolás, E. Villar, D. Calvo (TED)
"Code Synthesis of UML/MARTE models for physical platforms considering resource-specific codes"
IV Jornadas de Computación Empotrada, Sarteco 2013. 2013-09 |
H. Posadas, P. Peñil, A. Nicolás, E. Villar
"System synthesis from UML/MARTE models: The PHARAON approach"
Electronic System Level Synthesis Conference, ESLsyn, 2013, IEEE. 2013-05 |
2012 |
H. Posadas, P. Peñil, A. Nicolás, E. Villar
"Automatic synthesis of Embedded SW Communications from UML/MARTE models supporting memory-space separation"
XXVII Conference on Design of Circuits and Integrated Systems, DCIS'12. 2012-11 |
H. Posadas, P. Peñil, A. Nicolás, E. Villar
"UML/MARTE methodology for high-level system estimation and optimal synthesis"
MeCoES - Metamodeling and Code Generation for Embedded Systems, ESWeek 2012. 2012-10 |
P. Peñil, H. Posadas, A. Nicolás, E. Villar
"Automatic synthesis from UML/MARTE models using channel semantics"
International Workshop on Model-Based Arquitecting and Construction of Embedded Systems, ACES-MB 2012, doi: 10.1145/2432631.2432640. 2012-09 |
F. Colas-Bigey, A. Terechko, H. Posadas, E. Villar, P. Peñil, F. Broekaert, C. Couvreur, M. Bourdelles, S. Li, L. Lavagno, A. Cohen
"Definition of tool interfaces and integrated design flow"
Deliverable D1.2 of the FP7 Pharaon Project. 2012-06 |
H. Posadas, E. Villar, P. Peñil, F. Broekaert, C. Chantal, L. Lavagno, A. Terechko, M. Bourdelles, S. Li
"System specification methodology"
Deliverable D1.3 of the FP7 Pharaon Project. 2012-06 |